Minecraft old houses

The title might sound strange if you don't know what Minecraft is so I am going to begin by describing Minecraft and then how I will apply it to Family History.

Minecraft is a game, a very cool game where the player mines and builds. A lot of earth is moved in Minecraft while you make buildings and landscapes and look for minerals. You can build big huge buildings or small cabins; whatever you want to build in a variety of material.

I am going to build the houses I have lived in so that my kids/grandkids can get an idea of what it looked like. I could do this on paper, or LEGO would also be fun, but this way they can walk through the houses. And I don't have to find a place to store the LEGO houses.

If you don't know how to use Minecraft you could have your grandchildren do it for you. A work together project.

Check back here for results. This takes time.
Post: I would love to hear and see one of your houses in Minecraft. Please post below!

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