Blogging A to Z: Genealogical Websites C

C is for 

Your guide to Canada's best family history sources. This is David Obee. He does the website since 2006 and is a genealogical speaker.

Cyndi's List
"A comprehensive, categorized & cross-referenced list of links that point you to genealogical research sites online.
Your genealogy starting point for more than 20 years!"
Use this site to find website on any category and location.

Census Records
Check out census records for any area you are researching. These will confirm your research or show you an issue. Google for census records in your area of research or check out Cyndi's List.

These are websites I know, have used and found helpful. There are many more.
If you have other favourite sites that start with the letter C, please add to the comments below.

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Websites change. These are correct as of 2019.


  1. Cyndi's List was very helpful for me some years ago when I first started researching my family tree. You offer many good suggestions.

    1. Isn't it great.
      Thank you. I am glad you think so.

  2. I remember the early days of Cyndi's List when it was just a short list. Now it goes on forever.
