Drouin Collection Vital and Church records, 1621 – 1968

This collection is copies of handwritten recordings of baptisms, marriages and burials. There are several other types of church records as well such as confirmations, dispensations, censuses, statements of readmission to the church, etc.

The source and link to begin searching this database is:

Not only is it hand written but the majority of the records are written in French. Some are written in English, Latin, or Italian. Use Google translate.

Results page
The search for Charles Landry gave the following top three entries.

Individual Record 
Click on the title of the record [in blue] that you want to look at. The following appears. Note there is no date given on the above screen.
Read through to find the record of a Charles Landry. He and Marguerite Landry are the parents of Mary who was baptized 21 July 1764. Year was on the previous page. 

From the results page you may click on View image. This brings you directly to the image by passing the individual record page.

Another Example
Searching for Guillaume Hebert who died 1639 the following record was found.

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