A is for Ancestors April 1

A is for Ancestors

Each blog post this month shares how Google Drive can help with researching, preserving and sharing your genealogy and family history. I will also sometimes include the why.

Today is for Ancestors ~ One of the main reasons we do genealogy and family history.

Google Drive can help you in your genealogy:
  • keep items organized 
  • backup your data on the cloud
  • access to your notes and files where ever you are in the world doing your research.
    • you don't need to bring all your papers and be weighed down and not worry about forgetting anything.
  • available on iPad and other tablets as well as laptops
We also do genealogy for our children and other family members.
Google Drive can help you with your children and family members by giving you a great way to:
  • share with your family members
    • photos
    • documents, certificates, 
    • notes
    • stories
  • allow family members to easily share with you and others what they have.
If you don't do genealogy/family history, can you think how you can apply this to what you do?

I would love to hear from you.
See you tomorrow!


  1. Just read through all your posts. Yes I use Google docs to help with my family history. I have spreadsheets to keep track of my ahnentafel list, my DNA matches and even my A to Z blog post plans and past posts :)
    I am a great fan of the Google environment though I recognise I give something up to use it, I think in the main they are a great suite of products, blogger included.

    A is for letter from Anzac

    Anne Young

    Anne's family history

  2. I am trying to find information about John R. Hall died 1915 in Tunica County MS.

    1. Anonymous, Go to https://www.yammer.com/familysearchgroups/#/home?type=following
      Find the chat for helping with research. Good luck with your progress.

  3. Anonymous:
    Check out http://msgw.org/tate/dooley.htm
    This website has the following.
    "John R Hall, born June 13, 1869, died Jan 18, 1915 Woodman of World Camp No 886"

    The website also mentions more Halls.

  4. The Dolley Wood Cemetery is located in the Dubbs Community, Tunica Co., MS.
