I is for Ideas

This post is part of my family history videos A to Z blog challenge for 2021 which expands on my presentation for Legacy FamilyTree Webinars by showing a variety of examples. Webinar available at familytreewebinars.com/download.php?webinar_id=1740Information and index of posts  at ifamilyhistory.blogspot.com/p/a2z-family-history-videos.html.

If you want to do this but you don't know what subjects to make a video about, here are some good places to start. 

I have created multiple videos as examples of ideas on what to write about and a variety of how and what to include. There are so many more subjects such as I didn't do a video on a bakery my grandfather had for years. The possibilities are endless. 

Here are some other options.

Amy Johnson Crow has an email that she will send out each week with a subject to write about on blogs but this can be changed to videos. Take her subject and make a PowerPoint and then make it a video. 

Learn more and sign up at https://www.amyjohnsoncrow.com/52-ancestors-in-52-weeks

There is a "National day of ..." for everything. Thomas MacEntee's with his Genealogy Bargains emails daily highlights those subjects and includes ways to apply it to Family History.  Here are three subjects from "national day of" topics that he has talked about. Zippers, Quilts and Deep-Pan Pizza

Lynn Palermo the Armchair Genealogist also talks about writing which can be changed to help you come up with ideas for videos. 

Lynn says when writing it should be 1 ancestor 1 story. This is how the videos should be. 1 ancestor and 1 story per video. 
She also has a great list of writing prompts at http://www.familyhistorywritingstudio.com/writing-prompts 

#AtoZChallenge 2021 April Blogging from A to Z Challenge letter I

Reel Image Source: Freepic

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