A is for Accreditation and Certification

When hiring a genealogist you want to know they are qualified to do the research. One way is because they are certified. 

Session Title
Certified Genealogist and Accredited Genealogist: A Comparison

Session Description
"Are you considering a credential in the genealogy industry? This informational video compares and contrasts the two main credentialing organizations—BCG and ICAPGen—and their credentials: Certified Genealogist and Accredited Genealogist. We review their unique positioning in the industry as well as the process and timelines for obtaining both."

If you are considering becoming a professional genealogist this session compares very well the two credentials available, Certified Genealogist and Accredited Genealogist. Jan covers the history, costs, timelines, areas of research and more. She concludes with her experience and time lines of earning both. 

If you are thinking of hiring a genealogist and you have seen letters behind some professional genealogists' names and you wonder what they are, this session will explain the work needed.  

Note 2021
All sessions that were recorded for last year's RootsTech Connect are still available on the RootsTech website. At the bottom it will indicate the year. From 2021 is a Series called The Nuts and Bolts of Accreditation, done by ICAPGen. This only goes through what is necessary to earn accreditation through ICAPGen. There are also short videos of multiple people who have received their ICAPGen accreditation from 2021.

Presented by Jan M. Joyce


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