One Place Study: Ogdensburg, PQ Table of Records

To go along with the Surname study, I am conducting a One Place Study on Ogdensburg, Quebec. 

For my One Place Study I created a Table of Records for the area.
The first records I added to the table was census records which included the area before and after my family arrived in the area. 

I want to know why they picked this remote area in a French Catholic province when they were neither. How did they know about this area? They might have learned about the area from other family who came before them to this area, therefore I am looking at the census records before they arrived. It is part of the FAN research. Family/Friends, Associates, and neighbours. I am looking for family who arrived before my direct line. 

This is a screen shot of part of the census section of the Table of Records. 

I searched each census for Dowd/O'Dowd and Donoughy/Donoughoo (mother's maiden name).

Below is a screen shot of the Civil Registration of the Table of Records.

This shows the purpose for the first column. 
As I find more records I will add it to this table. 
As I search each of these records I will put the result in my Research Log. 
If family is found, I will save a copy of the record, along with the source, the URL, of the record

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